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    Venerdì - 19 Aprile 2024   


   EPHJ - The World of High Precision 11/06/2024

Da 20 anni, EPHJ rappresenta un salone unico al mondo che riunisce i professionisti del settore dell'alta precisione: orologeria, gioielleria, microtecnologie e tecnologie medicali.
EPHJ è un hub internazionale per i professionisti dell'innovazione e del business e il maggiore salone mondiale dell’alta precisione dove è possibile scoprire le ultime tendenze tecnologiche.
La maggioranza dei visitatori occupa posizioni manageriali con poteri decisionali sugli acquisti e sui fornitori e quasi tutti apprezzano la qualità degli espositori. Non sorprende quindi che più dell’80% degli espositori dichiari di fare affari durante la fiera o nell’immediato futuro.
EPHJ funge da vetrina interattiva per il futuro dell'alta precisione, permettendo ai visitatori di proiettarsi nel futuro grazie alle numerose innovazioni e ai progressi tecnologici in mostra. Il successo dei candidati al Gran Premio degli Espositori, che premia le migliori innovazioni, ne è la prova migliore.
Da sottolineare inoltre la ormai tradizionale presenza di numerose start-up a cui viene offerta l’opportunità di presentare la propria azienda e le proprie competenze e innovazioni tecnologiche che plasmeranno il futuro tecnologico del mercato.
EPHJ è il luogo in cui medtech, microtecnologie e orologeria uniscono le loro competenze permettendo a tutti i settori tecnologici rappresentati di prosperare.
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This year's Annual Meeting will focus on the future of photonics in Europe. A high level panel discussion will provide an interesting discussion about 'Quo Vadis Photonics?'. The presentation of the new photonics market study will provide you with further insights about the economic performance of photonics on a global scale. During the Photonics21 workshops on the second day of the event, you will gain valuable information about funding opportunities in other partnerships or initiatives related to our Work Groups. Additionally, representatives from some of the Photonics Partnership projects will share compelling insights into their latest achievements.
Don't miss this opportunity to engage with the community, explore collaboration possibilities and stay updated on the latest developments in the field of photonics in Europe!
Register now to benefit from early bird rates until 2 April 2024.
Join us for an enriching and informative experience at the Photonics Partnership Annual Meeting 2024 in Brussels!
Download the preliminary draft agenda.
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   Photonics PhD Days 24/01/2024

This three-day, fully English-speaking event, aims to bring together PhD students, research centres and companies from the field of photonics, and to explore entrepreneurship.
On the agenda: conferences, PhD pitches, PhD posters, “PhD to Startup” workshop, 1-to-1 appointments with CEOs, networking, and visits to industry and research facilities.
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   Photonics 21 Executive Board 05/12/2023

Roberta Ramponi, Presidente di AEIT-Corifi, è stata eletta alla Vice Presidenza di Photonics21 Executive Board.
L'Executive Board è composto dal Presidente, da quattro Vicepresidenti e dai Presidenti dei Gruppi di Lavoro (WG).
L'EB è eletto dal Board of Stakeholders (BoS) tra i suoi stessi membri. I membri dell'EB sono eletti per un periodo di due anni, con possibilità di rielezione immediata.
L'EB riferisce al Board of Stakeholders almeno una volta all'anno durante una riunione del CdS. L'EB è presieduto dal Presidente, che è il rappresentante ufficiale di Photonics21. Agisce in tale veste in conformità con le regole stabilite dal CdS e riferisce regolarmente al CdS sulle sue attività. Il Presidente può nominare, in singole occasioni, uno dei Vice Presidenti come suo sostituto.
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   Space technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness 21/11/2023

Opening date: 21 November 2023
Deadline date: 20 February 2024

Expected Outcome:

Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:
To reduce the dependence on critical technologies and capabilities from outside EU for the EU space programme components (i.e. Galileo/EGNOS, Copernicus, Govsatcom and SSA) and other space applications;
To develop or regain in the mid-term the European capacity to operate independently in space;
To enhance the technical capabilities and overall competitiveness of European space industry vendors on the worldwide market;
To open new competition opportunities for European manufacturers by reducing dependency on export restricted technologies that are of strategic importance to future European space efforts;
To improve the overall European space technology landscape and complement and/or create synergy with activities of European and national programmes either in the space or non-space fields.
Research and innovation to mature critical space technologies that currently have dependency issues for use in the EU space programme components and discussed within the frame of the European Commission-ESA-EDA Joint Task Force (JTF).
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   Photonics Innovation Factory for Europe (IA) 15/11/2023

Opening date: 15 November 2023
Deadline date: 19 March 2024

Expected Outcome:

Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:
Substantially improved penetration of core photonics technologies into multiple end-user application domains and industry sectors, in particular through carefully selected SMEs and new start-ups with the strongest potential for high impact in terms of business growth and employment, enabling a demonstrably more competitive and technologically sovereign European industry.
Creation of a sustainable streamlined ecosystem for photonics innovation in Europe from TRL 2-7, providing European Cross-Border Added Value with a high leveraging effect on investments made at national and regional level in photonics.

The aim is to provide a virtual factory with a flexible and open structure, allowing for a multiplicity of competitive actors and services operating as a sustainable fully integrated European ecosystem of cross-border deep innovation support in core photonics technologies for the benefit of European industry. The factory should lower the entry threshold to photonics and facilitate the broad uptake and integration of these technologies in new products and processes with high potential impact in the market and on society.
It should help speed up the deployment of proven photonics technologies within European industry in order to increase its global competitiveness, with an emphasis on technological sovereignty and resilience while also fostering strong new enterprise business growth. Care will be taken that it will not compete with existing commercial offers.
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   Smart photonics for joint communication & sensing and access everywhere (RIA) 15/11/2023

Opening date: 15 November 2023
Deadline date: 19 March 2024

Expected Outcome:

Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:
Sensors/probes to monitor the quality of the communication network and of photonic signals transported in the communication network
Methods to use the network as large-scale distributed sensor
Development of foundational optical technologies, systems and networks that provide the future access infrastructure

Proposals should address at least one of the following activity areas:
Light-based solutions to let the communication network sense, while transporting data, for example
To enhance the security and resilience of the network
To make network resources more energy efficient
To warn and protect against natural disasters, earthquakes etc.
To monitor the infrastructure where the fibre is deployed (traffic, stress in bridges...)
Light-based solutions to bring internet everywhere, with the most relevant access technologies
Fiber to the home, fiber to the antenna or fiber to the sky (satellite), for example with coherent passive optical networks, free space optics, Lifi or optical beamforming and steering while enabling the integration of all access technologies in one system
This topic implements the co-programmed European Partnership Photonics.

Specific Topic Conditions:

Activities are expected to start at TRL 2 and achieve TRL 5 by the end of the project.
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   Photonics21 Survey on Advanced Materials in the Photonics Supply Chain 06/11/2023

As a follow-up activity of the Supply Chain Survey jointly carried out by the European Technology Platform “Photonics21” and the European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC), Photonics21 aims to further investigate the role of advanced materials in the photonics supply chains in Europe.
One of the findings of the survey carried out last year was that for over 90% of the companies facing supply chain issues, these issues relate to output disruptions caused by shortages and delivery delays in the supply chain. In particular, the availability of materials appeared to be one of the key choke points.
The current survey, therefore, focuses on advanced materials and aims to get more insights on relevant supply chains issues related to advanced materials.
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   Optics & Photonics in Sweden conference 2023 17/10/2023

The Optics & Photonics in Sweden conference (OPS2023) will be held on 17-19 October 2023 in Kista, Stockholm at Electrum. The conference is organised by PhotonicSweden (PS).
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   NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 2023 04/10/2023

On 3 October 2023 the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced to award the Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 to Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L'Huillier "for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter".
The three Nobel Laureates in Physics 2023 are being awarded for their experiments, which have given mankind new tools for exploring the world of electrons inside atoms and molecules. Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L'Huillier have demonstrated how to create extremely short pulses of light that can be used to measure the rapid processes in which electrons move or change energy.

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   Chips Act workshop on pilot lines 04/07/2023

Following the political agreement on the European Chips Act of 18 April 2023, preparations are currently ongoing for the implementation of the Chips for Europe Initiative as foreseen in Pillar 1 of the regulation. The initiative includes a number of pilot lines for the purpose of process development, test and experimentation, as well as small-scale production. These will serve as a platform for European research and development with an industrial perspective that bridge the crucial gap from lab to fab.

Three pilot line areas of strategic importance for Europe have already been identified:
Sub-2nm GAA process technology development
FD-SOI technology at 10nm and below
Heterogeneous integration

The workshop on 4 July 2023 discussed potential topics for pilot lines beyond and complementary to the three areas mentioned above. This workshop followed a series of consultation meetings including a workshop on 29 September 2022 and discussions within the Public Authorities Board of the KDT Joint Undertaking.
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   Photonics 4 Masterpieces 08/06/2023

This Conference organized by Swissphotonics, will take place in the framework of the EPHJ International Tradeshow, the most important annual exhibition for Swiss suppliers of watch industry and micro technology. New technologies in manufacturing, quality assurance, and digitalization have presented companies with numerous challenges in terms of choosing the right technology, investment requirements, personnel, and development.
Decisions are difficult due to the high level of complexity and cross-linking in all industries, and companies need to allow fusion on various levels to remain attractive and competitive. International market pressure from Asian firms is increasing significantly, and many companies are considering allowing greater integration of basic research, industrial research, and R&D to respond.
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A path towards strategic autonomy: The new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) was handed over to the European Commission.
The new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for photonics was handed over by Lutz Aschke, President of Photonics21, to Thomas Skordas, Deputy Director-General in the DG CONNECT, at the Photonics Partnership Annual Meeting 2023 in Brussels. The SRIA represents a significant milestone for the photonics industry in Europe, outlining a clear vision and pathway forward for the European photonics community. With its renewed strategy, Photonics21 responds to and considers the European Union's need to re-establish economic competitiveness by way of strategic autonomy and resilient, strategic supply chains.
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On the Photonics Partnership Annunal Meeting 2023 in Brussels on 26th and 27th of April a white paper on Integrated Photonics has been published and was presented to the European Commission jointly by EPoSS and Photonics21 pointing out trends, needs and R&D&I priorities. Download White Paper on Integrated Photonics 2023
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   Photonics4Telecoms 21/03/2023

Photonics France is organising its Business Meeting "Photonics 4 Telecoms" on 21 March 2023 at Télécom Paris.
Photonic components and opto-electronic equipment form the backbone of our telecommunications networks in fibre optic or free space infrastructures.
Photonic technologies are used in different network segments ranging from space, international and national interconnections, to FTTH (Fiber To The Home) or mobile sites (FTTAntenna).
The agenda has been designed for a technical but non-specialist audience, allowing an exchange on existing and new technological developments.
Spend a day dedicated to business and networking near Paris together with major players in the field of optical telecommunications.
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   Photonics21 innovation award 15/02/2023

Photonics21 established this dedicated Innovation Challenge to push for more entrepreneurship in photonics. The Photonics21 Innovation Award addresses PhD students, master students, young entrepreneurs, and makers alike who have an idea for a photonics product that can transform into a real business or product. This idea can be already described in a Master or PhD thesis or in a business plan or the like. Any person active in the field of optics and photonics, may apply for the Photonics21 Innovation Award.
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   EC public consultation |Horizon Europe 2025-27 | Make some noise for photonics! 15/02/2023

Make some noise for photonics! By participating you will influence “The second Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2025-2027” and make sure that the programme will continue to invest in photonics as key deep technology for Europe.
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   Photonics21 Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda: First draft dedicated to Safety, Security, Space & Defense 10/01/2023

During the Photonics Partnership Annual Meeting 2022, that was held on 30 June and 1 July, the process for a new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda focusing on the second half of Horizon Europe has been launched. During two workshops Photonics21 secretariat received valuable input from the participants, which enabled them to prepare a first draft of the chapter of the new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda dedicated to safety, security, space and defense. Download the draft chapter
   Photonics21 Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda: First draft dedicated to Climate, Mobility & Energy 10/01/2023

During the Photonics Partnership Annual Meeting 2022, that was held on 30 June and 1 July, Photonics21 secretariat launched the process for a new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda focusing on the second half of Horizon Europe. During two workshops Photonics21 secretariat received valuable input from the participants, which enabled us to prepare a first draft of the chapter of the new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda dedicated to climate, mobility and energy. Download the draft chapter

The European Commission has pre-published the 2023-2024 work programmes for Horizon Europe.
The European Commission has pre-published the 2023-2024 work programmes for Horizon Europe.
Under Cluster 4 there are various funding opportunities for photonics to be found, including calls on advanced imaging and sensing, versatile light sources, quantum photonic integrated circuits (PICs), photonics for high-precision product manufacturing, and more. In addition, photonics related topics can also be found in other clusters.
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   Photonics21 Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda: First draft dedicated to Health 30/11/2022

During the Photonics Partnership Annual Meeting 2022, that was held on 30 June and 1 July, Photonics21 secretariat launched the process for a new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda focusing on the second half of Horizon Europe. During two workshops Photonics21 secretariat received valuable input from the participants, which enabled them to prepare a first draft of the chapter of the new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda dedicated to health. Download the draft chapter
   Photonics21 Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda: First draft dedicated to Manufacturing 21/11/2022

During the Photonics Partnership Annual Meeting 2022, that was held on 30 June and 1 July, Photonics21 secretariat launched the process for a new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda focusing on the second half of Horizon Europe.
During two workshops Photonics21 secretariat received valuable input from the participants, which enabled them to prepare a first draft of the chapter of the new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda dedicated to manufacturing.
Download the draft chapter
   Photonics Supply Chain Survey 19/11/2022

The aim of the survey is to get a deeper insight into whether the European photonics industry is currently facing similar supply chain problems as the microelectronics industry.
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   Photonics4Agrifood 05/10/2020

Photonics4Agrifood - Virtual Workshop & Brokerage Event

AEIT-CORIFI, in collaboration with Regione Lombardia, Finlombarda S.p.A., Confindustria Lombardia, CNR-ISMN, CNR-IFN and SIMPLER-Enterprise Europe Network, organises Photonics4Agrifood – Virtual Workshop & Brokerage Event
The event, planned in the framework of the European Project H2020 NextPho21, is the opportunity for meetings between the photonic technologies suppliers and the possible end-users in the agrifood sector, with the participation of institutional and territorial actors and funding bodies.
Photonics companies - typically SMEs and Start-ups – will have the chance to strengthen themselves in the value chain, and at the same time to show end-user companies the potential offered by photonics technologies.
Photonics4Agrifood is addressed to:
  • Photonics manufacturers
  • Companies, experts and operators of the agrifood sector
  • Clusters, DIH and competence centers
  • Investors and funding bodies
  • University and research centers
The participants will have the possibility to:
  • discuss the innovation opportunities for the Agrifood sector made possible by the use of photonic technologies
  • establish and strengthen synergies and collaborations between producers and end users of photonic technologies in the sector
  • identify partners at regional, national and European level and complete the value chain
  • promote investment opportunities for photonics
Photonics4Agrifood includes the following sessions:
  • 5th October 2020 - 9.30-12.30 - Photonics4Agrifood Virtual Workshop
  • 5th October 2020 - 14.00-18.00 - Photonics4Agrifood Virtual Brokerage event
  • 6th October 2020 - 9.30-12.30 - Photonics4Agrifood Virtual Brokerage event

Photonics4Agrifood is open to the participation of all interested parties.
Participation in the Workshop and Brokerage Event is free of charge upon registration.
For Information: https://photonics4agrifood.b2match.io/
   EPHJ-EPMT-SMT 2019 18/06/2019

Ginevra (Svizzera) 18-21 Giugno 2019

EPHJ – EMPT – SMT – l’evento leader per l’industria dell’alta precisione – è la più grande manifestazione fieristica della Svizzera.
Nel 2018 ha riunito più di 800 espositori e oltre 20.000 professionisti provenienti da tutto il mondo, in continuità con la costante crescita di cui ha goduto sin dalla sua prima organizzazione nel 2002.
Il nostro 18° show avrà luogo presso il Palexpo di Ginevra dal 18 al 21 giugno 2019 e vedrà uniti in un unico evento i settori dell’orologeria, della gioielleria, delle microtecnologie e tecnologie medicali.

Quest’anno, AEIT-CORIFI è partner dell’evento ed è lieta di offrirvi quanto segue:

• Biglietto d’ingresso gratuito

• Accesso a conferenze e tavole rotonde (lo spazio può essere riservato su richiesta)

• Biglietto del treno gratuito nella città di Ginevra (per chi soggiorna in un albergo della zona)
• Kit di benvenuto: catalogo della fiera, guida della città, cartine

Per registrarvi: http://www.ephj.ch/it/t-it?utm_source=t-it

Per maggiori informazioni http://ephj.ch/it/

   Presidenza e Consiglio Direttivo AEIT-CORIFI- triennio 2018-2020 31/07/2018

Presidenza e Consiglio Direttivo CoRiFI-Coordinamento Ricerca Innovazione Fotonica Italia dell'AEIT- triennio 2018-2020

In seguito alle votazioni per via telematica avvenute tramite la piattaforma online electionbuddy e allo scrutinio avvenuto in sede AEIT - via Mauro Macchi 32, Milano, martedì 31 luglio 2018, sono state rinnovate le cariche della Presidenza e del Consiglio Direttivo del CoRiFI-Coordinamento Ricerca Innovazione Fotonica Italia dell'AEIT.

   EPHJ – EMPT – SMT 2018 12/06/2018

Ginevra (Svizzera) 12-15 Giugno 2018

EPHJ – EMPT – SMT – l´evento leader per l´industria dell´alta precisione – è la più grande manifestazione fieristica della Svizzera. Nel 2017 ha riunito più di 800 espositori e oltre 20.000 professionisti provenienti da tutto il mondo, in continuità con la costante crescita di cui ha goduto sin dalla sua prima organizzazione nel 2002. Il nostro 17° show avrà luogo presso il Palexpo di Ginevra dal 12 al 15 giugno 2018.

Quest´anno AEIT - Corifi è partner dell´evento ed è lieta di offrirvi:

• Biglietto omaggio per il salone

• Accesso alle conferenze e tavole rotonde (lo spazio può essere riservato su richiesta)

• Biglietto del treno gratuito all´interno di Ginevra (per le persone che soggiornano in un hotel della zona)

• Welcome kit: catalogo della fiera, guida della città, mappe….

Per registrarvi e avere biglietti gratuiti www.ephj.ch/it/t-it?utm_source=t-it/

Per più di informazioni http://ephj.ch/it/

   Photonics PPP Annual Meeting 2018 09/03/2018

The #next.photonics_forum entitled "Winning the future - Europe's age of light" will be held on 8th and 9th March 2018 in the Museum of Fine Arts/Musées Royaux des Beaux Arts and the Bluepoint Conference Centre in Brussels.The annual event continues the further strategy development of the Photonics Public Private Partnership in preparation of the new EU framework programme. On the second event day the European photonics community will launch the strategy process for a new photonics multiannual roadmap for the next 10 years. As inspiration for this strategy process the symposium on the first day will cover some high level ignite talks providing a global view on Digitisation and Internet of Things as well as latest developments in Industry 4.0 and Virtual and Augmented Reality.

Online registration - the early bird rate is available until 29th January 2018:

For further Information:
   Photonics21 Vision paper 11/12/2017

The Photonics21 Vision Paper "Europe's Age of Light! How photonics will power growth and innovation" presents the vision of the European photonics community for 2030. The report was prepared as outcome of 8 thematic strategy workshops with the European photonics community and outlines the great challenges facing Europe and the world. 8 missions present a vision of how photonics technologies which are already in the innovation pipeline today can solve these challenges by 2030 and beyond to turn this vision into reality.

European leadership in photonics will deliver these benefits in 2030:

Instant diagnosis of major diseases
Quality food from farm to fork
Accident and congestion-free road transport
A truly circular economy
10% higher productivity
Zero downtime in a terabit economy
Photonics as a flagship science for innovation
The Photonics21 vision document serves as input to the preparation of the ninth EU framework programme and was presented to MEPs and representatives of the European Commission on 28th November 2017 alongside a Photonics21 breakfast session in the European Parliament.

You can download here the
PDF Version

If you would like to receive one or more hard copies of the document please write us an e-mail to secretariat@photonics21.org by indicating your postal address and the amount of copies you would like to receive.
   Salone Internazionale dell’Alta Precisione EPHJ-EPMT-SMT 2017 07/06/2017

Ginevra (Svizzera) 20-23 Giugno 2017

Il salone EPHJ-EPMT-SMT, la più grande fiera commerciale svizzera del settore delle lavorazioni di alta precisione dei produttori di orologi e gioielleria (EPHJ), microelettronica (EPMT) e tecnologie per la medicina (SMT) avrà luogo a Ginevra dal 20 al 23 Giugno 2017. Il programma di quest’anno pone un’enfasi speciale sull’innovazione con uno spazio dedicato alle start-up e l’introduzione di un premio, Exhibitors Grand Prix 2017, per il progetto più innovativo.

Per ulteriori informazioni visita il sito della fiera:


Scarica il Flyer SMT e la Press Release
   European Photonics Venture Forum - Eindhoven June 2-3 02/06/2016

Vice President Photonics21 and leader of the Photonics PPP Task Force “Financing” Giorgio Anania, gave at the recent EPVF Event in Eindhoven a Key Note Speech on the current status of the “Financing Photonics” situation in Europe.

The speech does not only show the gaps in Financing - particularly for young and small/midsized companies - but also shows the clear commitment of the Photonics PPP to deeper evaluate and support actions to open up new sources of urgently needed financing of SME’s and start-up’s.

Technology which is 100% made in Italy at the service of the international scientific community, which since 1986 monitors the health of Antarctica. It is the Quanta System laser, the first in the world to be installed in the Earth’s coldest continent in order to measure the ozone layer, exposed from 6 October to 2 November 2015 in Rome at the Vittoriano in an exhibition that celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Italian South Pole expeditions. The inauguration took place at the presence of the Minister and the executive staff of the Ministry of Education.

Quanta System
Antonio Raspa
Tel. 0331 376797


   Nuova brochure della Photonics PPP 28/09/2015

La piattaforma tecnologica Europea PHOTONICS21 ha pubblicato una brochure informativa sulla Private Public Partnership (PPP) Europea per la Fotonica e sulla stato dell’industria Europea.
La brochure può essere scaricata al seguente link:

   Italian Photonics Organisations 30/07/2015

The Italian National Technology Platform (NTP) of Photonics, CORIFI (COordinamento Ricerca e Innovazione Fotonica Italia) has been founded on April 2014 as a legal entity linked to AEIT, to represent the whole Italian photonics community. The platform has now 82 members from academy, research organizations and industries. In particular about 20% of the platform’s members are representatives of the main Italian photonics large industries and SMEs. CORIFI is composed of the executive board and 7 working groups, mirror of Photonics21 working groups, which focus on application-oriented as well as cross-disciplinary photonics fields. The AEIT-CORIFI executive board is constituted by the President, two academic Vice-Presidents and two industrial Vice Presidents and the chairs of the working groups elected by the platform members. The main national associations operating in photonics (i.e. SIOF, IEEE Photonics Society) as well as the main photonics regional clusters (i.e. OPTOTOSCANA) are represented in the board of the stakeholders.

The main objective of AEIT-CORIFI is to overcome the fragmentation of national research and innovation (R&I) activities and to promote the Italian research and innovation (R&I) excellence in photonics with the national, regional and EU institutions. On May 2015 AEIT-CORIFI has presented its first research and innovation strategic agenda to representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE), of the Ministry for Education, Research and Innovation (MIUR) and of CONFINDUSTRIA. The agenda wants to serve as reference point for national and regional authorities involved in the definition of research and innovation priorities and their smart specialization strategy.

Photonics Cluster and Society
OPTOSCANA is the innovation pole of Tuscany for photonics and space.

The Society of Optics and Photonics (SIOF) is the Italian branch of the European Optical Society. SIOF was established in 1991 to promote research and development in the field of optics and photonics and to coordinate such activities throughout the country. One of its tasks is therefore the dissemination of knowledge related to these disciplines.

IEEE Photonics Society Italy Chapter
The IEEE Photonics Society Italy Chapter is the Italian branch of the IEEE Photonics Society. The chapter was founded in 1997, with the former name of LEOS Italian Chapter, to promote research and development in photonics. The chapter activity includes: national and international lecturers; workshops and conferences; awards and prizes. In particular, each year, the chapter recognizes distinguished work by young Ph.D. doctors in the field of photonics (laser, electro-optical devices, optical fibers, electro-optical techniques, quantum electronics and all those applications where lightwave technologies are the key) through an award for the “Best Doctoral Thesis” discussed in an Italian university.
   La Fotonica in Francia 17/06/2015

E’ stato pubblicato sul sito del Governo Francese un recente studio sullo stato della ricerca e delle risorse economiche ed industriali della fotonica in Francia. Lo studio verrà ufficialmente presentato il prossimo 17 giugno a Parigi.
Questo studio vuole essere uno strumento per mettere insieme i principali stakeholder della fotonica in Francia per costruire progetti congiunti basati su nuove applicazioni e innovazioni tecnologiche, facilitare la creazione di nuove imprese, e la crescita fino al 2020, in accordo alle priorità nazionali ed internazionali.
Una sintesi dello studio in inglese può essere scaricata alla seguente pagina WEB:

Per maggiori informazioni sulla politica della Francia a riguardo della fotonica:

   1° Rapporto annuale sulle prestazione delle 6 tecnologie chiave abilitanti (KET) 08/06/2015

E’ stato pubblicato dall’osservatorio sulle tecnologie chiave abilitanti (Key Enabling Technology – KET), istituto dalla Direzione Generale per la Crescita (DG GROWTH) della Commissione Europea, il Rapporto Annuale sulle prestazioni delle 6 KETs della Commissione Europea: Fotonica, Micro e Nano-Elettronica, Nanotecnologie, Biotecnologie, Materiali Avanzati e Manufatturiero Avanzato. Il report analizza e discute dati sulle potenzialità in termini di tecnologia, commercio, produzione e fatturato delle KET negli  Stati Membri dell’Unione Europea.

Il rapporto è disponibile al seguente indirizzo WEB:

Per maggiori informazioni sulla politica della Commissione Europea sulle KETs:

Per maggiori informazioni sull’Osservatorio delle KETs:

   AEIT-CORIFI: ELezione della Presidenza e del Consiglio Direttivo 07/05/2015

Il giorno 7 maggio 2015 si è tenuta a Torino, in occasione del Convegno Fotonica 2015, l’Assemblea per il rinnovo delle cariche della Presidenza e del Consiglio Direttivo di CoRiFi COORDINAMENTO RICERCA INNOVAZIONE FOTONICA ITALIA dell’AEIT per il triennio 2015
   PLASMONICA: Building Human Potential in Nano-optics 13/04/2015

More than 100 young investigators of all nationalities working in Italy and young Italians working abroad have gathered in Milan in 2013 and in Rome in 2014 to discuss the present and the future of the multi-disciplinary research field of Plasmonics. It turned out that more direct communication provides more ideas, a fair competition and the build-up of excellent personal relations.

The economy crisis brought to a significant decrease of Italian public spending for research. Instead of just complaining and/or quitting their research jobs, young researchers with activities in the fields of Plasmonics and Nano-optics have decided to meet up and talk to each other in a series of dedicated workshops.

Plasmonics is the interdisciplinary field of research located between physics, chemistry, biology and engineering that exploits the natural oscillations of the electron plasma, present in all metals and semiconductors, to obtain performance improvements of photonic devices at infrared and visible light frequencies. It can also be considered a sub-field of metal/semiconductor nanotechnology were light plays the role of the external driving force. The workshop topics based on technology advances were: Plasmon-enhanced Nanospectroscopy and Nanoimaging, Optical Antennae and Metamaterials, Integrated and Hybrid Devices (sensors, waveguides, and photovoltaics), Plasmonics for Biology and Medicine. Three topics with more futuristic flavor were also discussed: Unconventional Plasmonic Materials and Frequency Ranges, Quantum Plasmonics and Magneto-Plasmonics.
   EuroPho21 – Towards a cohesive strategy for Photonics in Europe 30/01/2015

From January 2015 onwards, AEIT-CORIFI will take part in an European project funded in Horizon 2020
Currently Europe is able to keep its world market share in photonics at 18 percent, whereas other regions traditionally strong in photonics, like the US and Japan, have already lost shares to China, South Korea, or Taiwan. However, the global shift of the photonics market share to Asia is becoming an increasing threat to the European photonics industry . To stay competitive, the European photonics community needs to further join forces to develop and implement a common strategy for Europe. Europe must strengthen its industrial leadership by promoting wide-scale cooperation and better integration across the whole research and innovation value chain. The full photonics value chain does not yet exist in many EU Member States, and this presents a significant barrier to expansion of the photonics industry. The Photonics Public Private Partnership (PPP) established in Horizon 2020 is the mechanism for achieving these goals. The time is now right to take the next step and combine resources at all levels – European, national, and regional – adopting one cohesive strategy to significantly strengthen the sector and move toward new advanced photonic technologies. The European photonics community can then address the grand challenges facing European society and maximize the economic benefits derived from the next generation of photonics products.

Consequently, at the strategic level, EuroPho21 project, coordinated by VDI and with the participation of othe 12 National Technology Platform (including AEIT-CORIFI) shares the strategic objectives of the Photonics PPP:
•to foster photonics manufacturing, jobs, and wealth creation in Europe through a long-term investment commitment by industry and by the European Commission;
•to accelerate Europe’s innovation process and time to market by addressing the full innovation and value chain in a number of market sectors in which the European photonics industry is particularly strong (e.g., lighting, medical photonics, and optical components & systems);
•to mobilize, pool, and leverage public and private resources to provide successful solutions for some of the major societal challenges facing Europe, particularly in healthcare & well-being, and in energy efficiency.
   Photonics21 Student Innovation Award 2015 12/01/2015

The deadline for providing applications via e-mail to

Information about the application process and participation rules on the Photonics21 website http://www.photonics21.org/TrainingEducation/innovationaward.php
   Two nobel prices 2014 (Physics and Chemistry) related to Photonics 08/10/2014

Nobel Prize in Physics 2014 awarded for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes enabling bright and energy-saving white light sources.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2014 to Isamu Akasaki (Meijo University, Nagoya, and Nagoya University, Japan), Hiroshi Amano (Nagoya University, Japan) and Shuji Nakamura (University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA) “for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes which has enabled bright and energy-saving white light sources”. In the spirit of Alfred Nobel the Prize rewards an invention of greatest benefit to mankind: using blue LEDs, white light can be created in a new way.
You can read the full press release at: http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/2014/press.html

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2014 to Stefan W. Hell (Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, and German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany), Eric Betzig (Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, VA, USA) and William E. Moerner (Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA) for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy. In 1873, the microscopist Ernst Abbe stipulated a physical limit for the maximum resolution of traditional optical microscopy: it could never become better than 0.2 micrometres. The three Nobel Laureates in Chemistry 2014 are awarded the Nobel Prize for having bypassed this limit. Due to their achievements the optical microscope can now peer into the nanoworld.
You can read the full press release at: http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/2014/press.html




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